Unfortunately, nobody knows what is around the corner.
At Vine we try to build a financial plan for you, that looks at the position on the basis that you will hopefully remain fit and well throughout life; we also look at the position if an unwanted and unexpected illness or death were to befall you, or a family member.
We will naturally review any existing cover and identify any gaps and needs.
As well as looking at the levels of cover you already have in place under any existing policies and what is required to bridge the shortfall; we will also assess whether those plans (and any new ones recommended) provide comprehensive policy terms.
Solutions may involve some of the following:
Term Assurance will pay a one off lump sum in the event of you or your partner dying within the term of the policy. Often used for protecting a family or repaying a mortgage.
Cover can be arranged on a Level or an increasing basis.
Mortgage Protection is a life assurance policy that tracks a repayment mortgage over its term. If one of the insured dies then it should pay out enough to repay the balance on a 'capital & interest' repayment mortgage.
Family Income Benefit is an inexpensive form of life insurance that is designed to pay a regular income, rather than an up front lump sum to the family of an insured and/or their spouse. It is particularly good for those clients who have a limited budget.
Critical illness offers cover in case you are diagnosed with one of the illnesses specified by the provider’s policy. If you make a successful claim, you will be paid a tax-free lump sum. With Statistics showing that 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with some form of Critical illness in their lifetime, this form of protection is invaluable at what could be an extremely difficult time.
Permanent Health Insurance (PHI) is a form of income protection insurance that will provide an ongoing income in the event of disability and the inability to continue the normal occupation of the insured.
This is very important should your Employer provide minimal sick pay benefits or if you are Self Employed and having to rely on minimal State benefits.
This Payment Protection Insurance is optional. There are other providers of Payment Protection Insurance and other products designed to protect you against the loss of income. For impartial information about insurance, please visit the website at